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Understanding Autism

Is There a Cure for Autism?

To date, there is no cure for autism. Scientists do not know why autism occurs in those who are affected by the disorder; there are no treatments that are proven to cure autism. However, sometimes, children with autism make so much progress that they no longer show the full syndrome of autism when they are older.

Research shows that early diagnosis and interventions delivered early in life, such as in the preschool period, are more likely to result in major positive effects on later skills and symptoms. The sooner a child begins to get help, the more opportunity for learning. Because a young child's brain is still forming, early intervention gives children the best start possible and the best chance of developing their full potential. Even so, no matter when a person is diagnosed with autism, it's never too late to benefit from treatment. People of all ages with autism at all levels of ability generally respond positively to well designed interventions.

Public Law 108-77: Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (2004) and Public Law 105-17: Individuals with Disabilities Act, or IDEA (1997) require your child's primary care provider to refer you and your family to an early intervention service. Every state operates an early intervention program for children from birth to age three; children with autism should qualify for these services. Early intervention programs typically include behavioral methods, early developmental education, communication skills, occupational and physical therapy, and structured social play.





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